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Tribute to Dr Mark Stanley Price
UI Regression Testing: Unlocking Its Potential for Your Brand
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When being “Brethren” is not really “Brethren”
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User Interface UI is the first point of contact between users and your application or website. It serves as the gateway through which users interact with your product or service, thereby determining its overall usability and user experience. In the dynamic digital landscape, consistent updates are essential to stay relevant. However, these updates may introduce unexpected glitches that can adversely affect your UI. This is where UI regression testing steps in.

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Cashew production in the SeGaBi dates back to the 20 th century. However, despite its long date, the cashew value chain in SeGaBi is still in its infant stage. Initially, cashew was regarded as a reforestation and cover crop to curb desertification in the region. However, cashew has mutated into a cash crop capable of spurring economic growth and transforming the socio-economic development of the most vulnerable group in the society: women and youth. Fortunately, governments in SeGaBI have commenced investing in the cashew sector through an allocation from their national budgets which is a noteworthy policy shift. Despite this notable amount of investment, the cashew sector in SeGaBi has registered a nascent growth rate compared to other sister countries in West Africa.

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